Beginnings of Adventist Work in East Bengal (Bangladesh)
Sabbath Keeping
Adventist work
is understood to have begun in Bangladesh with Lal Gopal and Grace Mookerjees self-supporting
service in 1906. Writing about the very beginnings Mookerjee suggests that God
had already prepared hearts in Gopalgunj and two other villages that he visited
“where these truths have entered and are almost doing a miracle.” Mookerjee
describes the members at Gopalgunj as so honest that as having searched the
Scriptures “to find out how to keep the Sabbath and now they keep it from even
to even, and now they don’t have any cooking done on that day.” (LGM, ET, Apr
1906, p 4) (Ibid).
L G Mookerjee informs us that even before he went to East Bengal that two students of Serampore Seminary heard about Sabbath keepers from a teacher and came to his father who had been named as a convert. L G Mookerjee names one of them as D N Roy who he says was baptized in Calcutta.
W W Miller who
attended a Bengali Christian Convention in Gopalgunj in May 1906 along with J C
Little, B N Mitter, A C and L G Mookerjees, describes the challenges that the
Sabbath Keepers faced. Land had been appropriated by the various missions on
which they had built mission stations and had accommodated local converts.
Church authorities were now demanding that Sabbath keepers vacate their
property. They advised Mookerjee to purchase land to accommodate his converts.
(WWM, ET, Oct 1906, 1, 2).
Lal Gopal’s
father, A C Mookerjee, represented East Bengal to the 1906 year-end conference in
Calcutta and reported that there were “about forty-five families that keep the
Sabbath.” (ACM, ET, Feb 1907). It is
interesting to note that these are referred to only as Sabbath-keepers and not
members since the first baptism was only in 1909. Perhaps baptisms were delayed
till alternate living arrangements could be made for those who would join the
All the Sabbath
keepers of East Bengal were gathered in a meeting at Gopalgunj on Jan 27-31,
1909. J L Shaw reports that he attended the conference along with J C Little
and A G Watson. Shaw reports that Mookerjee had built on the bend of a river a
good thatched house with smaller buildings suitable for native brethren and a
church too. Finally, on Sabbath, the last day of the meetings the first members
of East Bengal, Krishna Dhan Poddar and the leper brother were baptized. (JLS,
R&H Apr 29, 1909, 15, 16).
I have just identified a photograph on a glass slide in the GC archives from a picture apparently taken on the same day (labeled as in 1907, but most certainly in 1909 when Shaw, Watson and Little visited).
Seated L-R: Purna Chandra Dey, Krishna Dhan Poddar, Sadhan Chandra Sarkar (healed leper), D N Roy, Purna Chandra Gayen. Standing behind on the left appears to be P K Poddar. I imagine that the lady and child in front are the family of D N Roy behind. |
At this point we
can introduce the written record of Sri Kanto (S K) Poddar, son of K D Poddar and
who was already born (1895) when Mookerjee took the Adventist message there.
Written Recollections of S K (Dadu) Poddar
(Condensed by Gordon Christo)
As Dadu (Grandpa) Poddar has mentioned, these things happened a long long time ago and perhaps there might be some errors. The reader must bear this in mind that some things are possibly not accurate. I have identified and omitted a couple. Nevertheless, I am amazed at the number of details much of which is sibstanitated by articles and recollections of the time.
K D Poddar had
been converted by M N Bose, a popular Baptist preacher who employed K D Poddar
as a teacher and preacher in Gopalgunj. Subsequently K D Poddar and two other
young men were sent by M N Bose to Serampore College, a Baptist seminary, to
study for the ministry. However the young men arrived too late in the term to
be admitted and were turned away with letters assuring that they would be
accepted the following term. (SKP, 1,2). While two men went sightseeing in
Calcutta, the discouraged K D Poddar settled down on the platform of Sealdah
railway station to wait for their train back to Gopalgunj when he was given a
tract on Jesus and Sabbath observance by Georgia Burrus. Reading it the next day he was
convinced of its truth, and approached his church leaders and questioned them.
They were unable to convince him that Sunday observance fulfilled the teaching
of the Bible.
K D Poddar
shared the tract and its message with D N Roy of Khatra village, one of those
who had accompanied him to Serampore. Together they decided to observe the
seventh-day Sabbath. They shared this truth with other Christians and the next
Sabbath thirteen families gathered for worship. Anxious to find out more they
wrote several letters to the address printed in the tract and continued
observing the Sabbath for four months
Finally according to S K Poddar, J L Shaw
arrived. S K Poddar reports that J L
Shaw had seen the letters sent by his father K D Poddar to the printers of the
tract which happened to be the Mookerjees at their press in Baithakana
(Calcutta). J L
Shaw apparently assured K D Poddar that they would send a pastor. (SKP 6). (There is however, no known report of J L Shaw going to Gopalgunj before 1909
though it is reasonable to assume that since there were only three or four
mission stations (Calcutta 1895, Karmatar 1898, and Simultalam/Babumahal) 1900,
that the superintendent would want to visit a place where there was interest in
the Sabbath message. -- GEC)
K D Poddar
helped L G Mookerjee and his wife Grace Kellog acquire two and a half bighas of
land upon which they built a house with a large veranda where meetings were
conducted, and another smaller house that K D Poddar moved in with his family.
(SKP 9).
Grace Kellog
took ill in the second year and the couple moved to the US for treatment and
study and AG Watson moved to East Bengal.
Watson arranged for the purchase of a mission boat and he and Poddar
spread the message along the banks of the river. There is record that when the
first church in Calcutta was organized, L G Mookerjee was elected elder of the
Chandra Sarkar, a leper, had read in the
gospel of Mathew an account of the healing of
lepers and through personal prayer and faith, experienced complete
healing (J L Shaw, SKP ). Attached to the Baptist church where he
found healing, he found it difficult to leave.
Only K D Poddar and S C Sarkar, the leper were baptized in the Jan 1909
meeting. In Feb 1910 a second meeting of Sabbath Keepers was organized in Barisal. Around forty
Sabbath keepers people attended regularly though more than two hundred came for
the evening meetings. At the end twenty
were baptized including: D N Roy of Khatra village, the parents of Paresh
Chandra Parui, Raj Kumar Mondal, and uncle of Rajani Biswas, all from
Gopalgunj; and several from Borasi village including Umesh Chandra Sarkar,
Kuteshwar Sarkar and Duarika Bala.
The date for this photograph is said to be 1907 and the description is of the pioneer workers of East Bengal. However none were baptized before 1909, though one or two may have assisted L G Mookerjee before baptism. Pictured here are: Front Row -- P C Dey, K D Poddar, S C Sarkar (the cured leper with the white beard), D N Roy, and P C Gayen. Middle Row --Sarkar, A Halder, U C Sarkar, (Dadu's father in law), P K Poddar (Dadu's brother), and K S Sarkar, (hidden). Back Row -- A G Watson, J C Little, L G Mookerjee. (This photograph is from the album of my uncle D S Poddar, son of S K Poddar--Gordon Christo)
Through the
influence of Umesh Chandra Sarkar and Sadhan Chandra Sarkar, Abhoy Charan
Mondal of Pathuria village and others from Joaria village were brought into the
church. (SKP 11).
L K Mookerjee
and K D Poddar took Raj Kumar Mondal and Paresh Parui, and Borada Kanta Poddar,
and Umesh Chandra Sarkar for evangelism to villages along the river by boat.
Thus Ranjendra Kumar Barui, and Aditya Follia of Chaurkhuli village joined the
Adventists. P C Dey, a talented musician
from Barisal also joined the church around this time.
Aditya Folia and
Ranjendra Kumar Barui alerted Mookerjee and Poddar about interests in Buraubari
village and the team went there to witness. However they were opposed
vehemently and threatened by Purna Chandra Gayen and Ananda Chandra Halder. They engaged in a hot debate and eventually
Gayen N S Haldar accepted defeat and were baptized along with P C Dey from
K D Poddar,
Umesh Chandra Sarkar, and Aditya Folia, and Rajendran Kumar Barui visited
Suagram village where many Christians dwelt and contacted T C Bairagi and his
nephew Indra Bhushan Bairagi who had heard of the message preached at
P C Dey joined
Poddar and Umesh Chandra Sarkar and studied the Sabbath with Purna Chandra
When L G
Mookerjee returned from the US, C C Kellar left for Churadunga. In 1910 at the
meeting in Barisal the work in East Bengal was organized better. L G Mookerjee,
with K D Poddar as his assistant, was placed in charge of the work in
Gopalgunj, Borasi, Jowaria, and Pathoria. Aditya Folia and Rajendra Kumar Barui were appointed to care for Chaurkhuli;
P C Gayen, Ananda Chandra Halder and
Basentat Kumar Halder had to care for Buruabari; and Tarini Charan Bairagi and
Indra Bhushan Bairagi were placed over Suagram. Purna Chandra Arinda was place
in charge of Kalikpur.
At first the
missionaries thought to establish the headquarters at Barisal, but eventually L
G Mookerjees agreed to sell their property, houses and church to the
organization at a reduced price. Mookerjee was appointed in-charge of all the
work in East Bengal and Little arranged for the acquisition of a house boat to
visit various villages. The boat was christened “Bil-Bandhu.”
Two educated
Baptist men from Sonadanga in Khulna Bipin Bihari Sarkar and Nibaran Biswas
requested Little and Mookerjee to send an Adventist worker to Sonadanga. It was
decided to send K D Poddar. Before he left Little and Poddar attended a
Christian Association meeting. Poddar returned to Gopalgunj and Little caught a
steamer for Calcutta. At Khulna it was noticed that one first class cabin was
locked from inside. When the door was broken open the limp body of Little was
discovered. Little passed away on Aug 10, 1910. K D Poddar proceeded to Khulna and P C Dey took over the work in Gopalgunj. He occupied the house that Poddar had lived in and one room was allotted to S K Poddar to continue his studies.
Mookerjee was away from East bengal, C C Kellar occupied his house and when Mookerjee returned, Kellar transfered to Churadunga.
Mrs Kellar giving Bible Studies (Picture given to me by Pastor W G Jenson --GEC)
L J Burgess was
appointed director of the work in East Bengal in place of Little and called for
a meeting of workers and families in Gopalgunj. At that meeting plans were made
for a school and for additional literature to be published in Bengali. K D
Poddar and P C Gayen initiated a discussion on a school and Little informed them that he had found a place at 6 Dihi Rd, Serampur Rd where there
was a large bungalow, and several quarters. Srikanto Poddar was sent to Lucknow
for training in press work. L G
Mookerjee, P C Gayen, Upendra Nath Halder, Premananda Poddar, were called to
teach at the school. Miss Burroway came from Karmatar. Because the school became crowded Mrs Burgess
rented a double storey building at
Tiljala Hooghly and the girls moved there.

This photograph is from A K Mondal, a colporteur of Khurda,. The address is 6 Dihi, Serampur Rd. At the rear are the names of Stephen and Clark--probably visitors to a conference. Not sure. P C Gayen and L G Mookerjee are in the group. More effort is needed to identify others.
In 1918 towards
the end of World War I a general meeting was called in Calcutta. Soon after
that K D Poddar walking to give Bible studies got a sun stroke and fell
unconscious. He died ten days later and
was buried in the property of Biren and Bipin Sarkar. His wife received pension
for 38 years till her death in 1956.
1. Aditya
Folia from Chaurkhuli – father of D Folia. Working for SDA church.
2. Ananda
Chandra Halder from Buruabari – father of Upendra Nath Halder. Now dead.
3. Krishnadhan
Poddar from Gobra – father of Srikanta Poddar. Retired SDA worker.
4. Lall
Gopal Mukherjee from Calcutta – son of Akhoy Kumar Mukherjee. Now dead.
5. Purna
Chandra Arinda from Kallikapur – father of Dr. Suren Aravinda. Now dead.
6. Purna
Chandra Dey from Barisal – further information not known.
7. Purna
Chanra Gayen from Buruabari – father of Pratap Chandra Gayen. Now dead.
8. Sadhan
Chandra Sarkar from Borasi – further information not known.
9. Umesh
Chandra Sarkar from Borasi – father of Sunil (Samuel) Sarkar. Retired SDA
1. Aswini
Kumar Bairagi from Kaligram – father –in-law of Rohini K Pandit. Now Dead.
2. Basanta
Kumar Halder from Buruabari – father –in-law of Rabi Sarjer. Retired SDA
3. Jacob
Barui from Buruabari – futher informations not known.
4. Jacob
Barui from Buruabari – father of Niranjan Barui. Working for SDA.
5. Jones
Singh from Bisharkandi – father of Jitendra Nath Singh.
6. Majhimahashay
– In-charge for Bill-Bindhu. Further information not known.
7. Nathaniel
Das from Mihiham (now Chittaranjan), Santal Parganas.
8. Paresh
Chandra Parui from Gopalganj – father-in-law of Atul Ball. Working for SDA
9. Prabhudan
Kujur from Ranchi, Bihar – further informations not known.
10. Pradosh
Chandra Jalder from Chaurkhuly – father-in-law of Pradodh Ch.Gayen. SDA church
11. Pratap
Chandra Gayen from Buruabari – father of Probodh Chandra Gayen. SDA church
12. Srikanto
Poddar from Gopalganj – son of Krishnadhan Poddar. Now retired.
13. Tarini
Charen Bairagi of Suagram –father of Mohan Lall Bairagi. (Now Dr. Bernad M
Lall) working for Andrews University.
14. Upendra
Nath Halder from Buruabari – father of Prafulla Kumar Jalder. Working for SDA
15. Upendra
Nath Sarkar from Dhamsar, Barisal – futher information not known.
1. Dayal
Madhu from Bethkachia –further information not known.
2. Ganesh
CHandta Baroya from Buruabari – father of Manoranjan Baroya. Working for SDA
3. GIrish
Chandra Arinda from Kalikapur – father of Rabin Arinda. SDA church member.
4. Premanada
Poddar from Gopalganj – father of Pramod Kumar Poddar.
5. Prafulla
Mandal (Dikshit) – father of Pijush Dikshit. SDA church member.
6. Santhosh
Kumar Halder from Shelabunia – father of Amiya Kr. Halder. Working in SMC
7. Shital
Chandra Madhu from Bethkachia – retired SDA worker.
8. Suren
Bisws from Gopalganj – further information not known.
9. Surendra
Nath Arinda from Kalikapur – father of Samar Arinda.
GOPALGANJ (During 1922, 1923, 1925, 1925, 1926)
following boys came in 1922.
1. Ashu
Sarkar from Bakal
2. Girish
Chandra Sarkar from Barisal
3. Prasad
Ch.Gayan from Baruabari
4. Prasanna
Kumar from Barisal
5. Reuben
Dahli (Now Rabindta Nath Bas)
following boys came during 1923, 1924, 1925 & 1926
6. Chitta
Bala (Ball) from Khatra
7. Chitta
Ranjan Sarkar –Village not known
8. Dhiren
Bairagi from Suagram
9. Dwijen
Folla from Chaurkhuli
10. Gopal
BIswas from Gopalganj
11. Gyanebdra
Karmarkar from Dhandoba
12. Hem
Barui from Ambari
13. Jiten
Bairagi from Suagram
14. Jiten
Barui from Chaurkhuli
15. Jitendra
Nath Singh from Gopalaganj
16. Joy
Ballab from Charukhuli
17. Joy
Nath Halder Ramsil
18. Lalit
Karmakar from Dhanodaba
19. Nagen
Halder from Juluhar
20. Peter
Bairagi from Kaligram
21. Pran
Nath Halder from Ramsil
22. Pratul
Halder from Chaurkhuli
23. Priya
Nath Bairagi from Kaligram
24. Rabi
Sarkar – village not known
25. Rajan
Bagani from Bethkachia
26. Rasik
Bala from Borasi
27. Samuel
(Sunil) Sarkar from Borasi
28. Santhosh
Barikdar (Sarkar) village not known
29. Suranjan
Sarkar – village not known
30. Suren
Baigragi from Kaligram
31. Sren
Bairagi from Suagram